Thursday, January 31, 2013

Making a Move

It is standard for athletes, once they reach a certain threshold, to look for products to endorse, but in this day and age it takes a little more to really reach super stardom. Athletes are realizing that they do not need to just represent a brand; they need to become a brand. So how is this done? Athletes are creating signature moves, phrases, anything to create brand association and get the people talking. Case and point, Tim Tebow. Tebow is not a starter. In fact, he rarely plays, but he has become a household name. People, who know nothing about football, know Tim Tebow. How did he receive such widespread popularity? He created a signature move, Tebowing. Whether deliberate or accidental, Tebow’s “the thinker” pose became a huge trend, which is still talked about and mimicked today.

Aaron Rodgers also has a move, now known as the discount double check thanks to State Farm, but still unmistakably his. To some this was poor branding on the part of State Farm. They tried to associate something with their brand that was already associated with another brand and the result, consumer confusion (I honestly had to look up which company the “discount double check” was for). State Farm did see some benefit, as an increase in call volume with people referring to the discount double check plan. However, most of the benefit went to Aaron Rodgers because what they really did with their commercials was give Rodgers’ move a name and increase is brand awareness.

The newest player on the branding scene is Colin Kaepernick. Unless you are a diehard football fan or from San Francisco, you probably didn’t know about Kaepernick until this playoff run, if you know about him at all. Well he is attempting to change that. Kaepernick has his signature move of kissing his bicep, which has begun to be called Kaepernicking. There is already some buzz about the new pose but after Kaepernicking makes its Super Bowl debut this Sunday, you can bet there will be a rapid fire of tweets, pics and YouTube videos, helping him create his brand outside of just the football world. Although, he may be ruining it for himself by trying to Trademark his move before it becomes really popular but we will have to wait and see on that one.

As you can see, one simple move with plenty of exposure can exponentially increase the brand and name recognition of an athlete. So, calling all athletes, its time to make your move!

Briana Scales

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